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Jonathan Nolan

Captura de pantalla 2024-06-06 a las 11.30.57.jpg

What initially sparked your interest in becoming a filmmaker?

An absolute love of cinema of the old school and an uncritical love at that – not just “high art” but Flash Gordon and all those amazing derring-do pulp cinema classics.


How would you describe your shooting style?

Art nouveau and punk.


Which filmmakers or writers have most influenced your craft?

Orson Welles, David Lynch and Truffaud.


Is there a specific movie or TV show that has inspired you on your writing journey?

Flash Gordon 1937.


How do you approach the process of researching and gathering information for your projects?

Intensive reading and meditation. Script elements come to me in dreams and the hypnogogic state between wakefulness and deep sleep.


Could you share some insights about your filming routine? For example, there are directors who, before shooting a shot, rehearse it with the actors separately so that when it's time to shoot they are ready. Other directors prefer to shoot directly and take takes and perfect them.

I storyboard using comicbook scripting techniques, listen to inspiring music and meditate on my own inevitable death. Also, I throw the ball for the dog. Bouncing ball is secret of happiness, as the ancient proverb says.


How do you strike a balance between incorporating your own creative ideas and meeting the expectations of producers and directors?

I self fund so I AM the producer and director 😊


In your latest project, what motivated you to address the specific themes and themes you chose?

I wanted to write a love letter to both the original Alex Raymond Flash Gordon and ERB’s Mars series, infused with my equal love for the racy black and white sexy comicbook magazines of the 1970s.


Were there any unexpected twists or developments in the filming process of your latest work? How did you adapt to them?

The limits of my animation software. You have to see limits as challenges, not obstacles, embrace it and outwit and punch on.


Could you tell us about any interesting new projects or collaborations you are currently working on or planning for the future?

I am scripting a sexy adult animation series called WET about Amanda, the last girl on Earth in a bizarre post apocalypse Earth where Mother Nature herself is responsible for the apocalypse – nature in revolt.


Are there any genres or styles you would like to explore further as a film director?

I would like to shot a high budget porno.


As a film director, what is your ultimate goal or aspiration? Is there a particular message or impact you hope to convey through your work?

I want to achieve the immortality of a successful storyteller.


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